Oneness Ministry

We are One

Counseling and More

The key to counseling and the purpose behind gender centers and the like is quite simple. Human nature dictates a need to feel loved and accepted, to belong, and to be supported in our beliefs. As a counselor it is our job to listen. Simple as that. It is not our job to tell the client any thing in particular, to solve their problems, or do anything in particular. So with this foundation, we simply listen, love, and support the client. Sounds easy, right?

It is far from it. As humans we want to do things, and change things, and help others. And this is where we go astray. To counsel is to assist another in making a decision or in understanding a principle or a choice better. It is walking a path while holding their hand. Not walking the path for them, not force feeding them doctrine, and not telling them what to do.

Applying this to centers like the Gender Identity Center, the main reason I left was simply this. They kept wanting to do things, change things, and provide a path. Surgery to me like all of medicine serves a limited function. It is a band aid – a temporary measure taken to assist the individual in healing. (Think bigger than one lifetime)  It also depends heavily on ones cosmology. I am taking the non-dualistic path. Who knows how long I have been on this path, but it makes the most sense to me. Duality is like a fun house of mirrors, Insane! Guess what? We live in a dualistic world. Yes, so this means we are all insane. Most of us believe this world to be “real”, that we have bodies, and that what we do here actually matters in the big scheme of things. I have learned this is misguided at best. If we do have bodies, then surgery makes sense. I am male, you female and this can be switched with the magic of a blade.

The standards of care for transgender individuals includes counseling, CHT, and for some SRS/GRS. While this may seem appropriate to those living in duality. It is not “reality”. All I ask is for you to explore the possibilities, question reality, and continue doing this for your lifetime. Another human trait or perhaps a trait of those living duality is we like things to be finite/fixed. A bird is a bird and is always a bird. If this is true, then those born male will always be male. However, I am asking is this really so? Am I male or female? Man or Woman? Why do some humans blur the line? These questions and many more have guided my life. They inspire me. They do not define me. I am not a body, I am free! I am just as God created me! Spirit!!! There is no separate self… meaning there is no me. It is quite the conundrum to one who sees with separate eyes.

What it comes down to is I left the GIC because I can not longer play dualistic games, this goes for my former career in medical imaging. When one steps out of the picture they realize its all just a game and not a fun game at that! Magic always comes with a price! So surgery comes at a price. Make darn sure you are willing to pay that price! I am not speaking about money either. Even if it was free, it still has a very high price. This goes for whatever you do, know the price, CHT included. What you do with these changes is up to you. I have posted almost 500 blogs, so if you wish to understand this blog better just look back over these. It has taken me over 50 years to get to this point, so if you are not here yet then stick with it. If you are beyond this point then you are probably not reading this blog, LOL. Either way, Blessings on your Journey of Love!

Sequoia Elisabeth

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Words to the Wise

The life you were given is a gift. Don’t mess it up by thinking you can improve on things. Simply be grateful for what you have and play the cards you are dealt. Of course there is no better teacher than experience. Just be warned, gender transition, unless immediately life threatening, is ill-advised. How does one know when it is necessary? A few pointers are as follows.

Notice the pronouns you use for those who are not human. Do you use “she” for your car or house? Is the bird in the tree a “she”? How about the cute froggy you saw last week? Or are they all “he”? We tend to anthropomorphise all that we see, because ultimately we are projecting self everywhere. You see either yourself or “not me” wherever you look.

Do you dream of yourself as male or female? Can you see yourself in your dreams? Since we are Spirit after all, we have no body in reality so if you don’t see your body in your dreams it means you are closer to the truth. Pay more attention to whom you are attracted to in your dreams. While there is nothing wrong with being homosexual, it is not natural. If you are born female, nothing will change this, not even surgery. All surgery really changes is the game you are playing. While you cannot change who you are, you do have the choice of whether to act on it or not. Much has been written on this and I am taking the Spiritual approach, since we are Spiritual beings after all. The heart loves who it loves, but this does NOT mean you have to act on it. True Love does not discriminate. Attraction is more about polarity than love. Think of yourself has an election or a positron or a neutron and you will be attracted appropriately irregardless of physical form. So this means as long as you are true to your attractions and not form then you are on the right track. You still have a choice whether to act on those attractions or not. Just don’t shame yourself for whatever you choose. Make it all good. The point is furthering your Spirit on its path.

So…The answer is simple, just be yourself, LOL. Who the heck is that!?! If you have the desire to crossdress then do so, don’t be ashamed. It is more normal than you would suppose. No need to “transition” for you are exactly who you are meant to be without any mumbo jumbo about surgery or hormones. My theory is that gender dysphoria occurs in those having past life confusion. See, we are not our bodies or our minds for that matter. We are actors on a stage or characters in a dream. “All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream” Edgar Allen Poe.

Distressing over gender makes the whole dream real and it also makes it impossible to escape. CHT and Surgery are irreversible. So you have dysphoria, join the club! Everyone in this world has it in some form. This is a dream, we are not supposed to be here! We are Not Here!! We are having a delusion!! So you say prove it. LOL I say prove that you are alive! Prove anything beyond a doubt! It is not possible. We simply choose an answer which is acceptable. We play our role!

Having walked this road I can say with confidence that transition is not necessary. Loving yourself for who you are definitely is necessary and this is the crux of the issue. Are you transitioning to fit in or find love outside yourself, by others? I would say 99% of us are looking for love in all the wrong places! Love is found within. Yes, you are a unique person and lovable just the way you are. Whether you wear clothes meant for the opposite gender or not. Whether you are attracted to the opposite gender or not. No matter your circumstance Love is within you and it is yours to share!

Love and Light,

Sequoia Elisabeth


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Whys and What fors of Transgender

Let us break down this thing we call Transgender. What is it? “A person appearing to or attempting to be a member of the opposite sex, such as a transsexual or habitual crossdresser. This is an umbrella term often used to include the entire community of individuals who cross gender boundaries on a consistent basis.” How long has this been going on? For various reasons since the dawning of mankind, in very small numbers though. So the big question is why are the numbers growing right now.

According to the Pleiadian’s (our future selves) wisdom, it is because of out of control chemical use and abuse since the 1950’s. Our scientists have repeatedly found chemicals to effect the sexual development of not only human fetuses but those of fish and many other creatures. Not just DES, which is a synthetic hormone given to women in the late 50’s into the 70’s to prevent miscarriage, has been identified as a possible cause of transgenderism. The list is not small, but the point here is that this phenomenon is bigger than any one individual. Our actions have repercussions. So let us stop here. I see where this is going. Blame.

I am not here to blame an industry for my issues, nor am I here to blame any one person. This process of needing to know why is an ego function. It is a destructive process that does not end well. So, while I do understand that irresponsible chemical usage is most likely behind the surge in Transgender, I wish to focus on the real opportunity here. Love.

We have an opportunity here to love each other no matter what the circumstances. “Why” is a pointless question that just leads to blame, shame, and pain. FORGET “WHY”. To any question. The question we have now is how can I love this person who is transgender,… or ____ fill in the blank.

Part II

The wisdom I referred to earlier of the Pleiadian’s also says NOT to alter your body or identity. So let me address this because it hit home hard. I have heard this wisdom before, in fact every time I considered it in the back of my mind this wisdom lingered. However the power of reasoning won out in the end. I say won, because I did change my identity and my body, though very slightly and significantly. What is done is done, so this is really for those who are still considering making changes to their body or identity. Don’t. Better yet, understand what is really going on and get help!

What is really going on? It is a combination of factors, chemistry, biology, and mind. Our minds are connecting with life memories past or future and making them current. This issue is about dealing with what we have to work with Now, in this incarnation. Do not confuse thoughts or feelings of others or from different lifetimes. Perhaps this blending (thought confusion) is a culmination of many lifetimes. This would certainly make sense. The chemistry is about the chemical toxicity of our environment these days and the biology concerns DNA and hormone balance. I have spoken of these many times in the past as well as in my ebook, so I will not go into those here. The take away here is to accept the gifts you have this time around and use them for the good of both you and others. If you need clarity, then take a step back and do nothing. Meditate on how you fit into the big scheme of things. Big life changes such as transition are a cry for Love. Often we don’t feel loved because we ourselves have not been loving to others. I mean love here not kindness or simple caring or ego infatuation. Love is ethereal at times, but in reality it is the essence of who we are and what I am saying here is we hide this aspect of ourselves away fearing it will be lost or damaged. I can assure you this is not possible. If it is truly yours no one can take it from you. The only thing you have more of when you give it away is love. The answer here is not to transition physically, but internally and open the door to your heart. You are lovable with or without a penis! Trust life to have given you the gifts you need this time around.

Now that Transgender is a big media thing the beast is loose. Do not fear it. Know that this too shall pass. We are here to be loved as part of life’s diverse universe of infinite possibilities. It is all good!

Part III

So where do we go from here? I for one ask forgiveness (Non-judgment). Then I am going to share the teachings as I understand them. I have been doing this for a long time, and now my understanding is even deeper. I intend to emphasize the Do No Harm aspect of Medical care. This means do not alter the physical body for several reasons. It is false hope first of all, changing forms does not alter who you are. The idea that you are expressing some hidden inner self is delusion! You have been expressing this constantly since you were born and continue to do so. Choose wisely what you show the outside world. They are not concerned with who you are, only about who they are. If what you show them does not jive with who they think they are, you will feel push back or resistance. Nothing wrong with pushing your boundaries, but know that it comes at a cost, the harder you push, the higher the cost. For example, I lost everything when I transitioned. I thought this was spiritual sacrifice and a good thing. This is what I told myself. Good is relative in the world and ultimately very difficult to nail down. What is good for one is bad for another. So do not rely on “Good”. Trust that you do not know what is best for you and neither does anyone else!! Only Holy Spirit knows. Search deep to find your inner intuitive guidance. It is there. I had it, but ignored it and it cost me. Now I could say many aspects of my life at present are pleasant and enjoyable, but that does not make them “good”. How has my decision to transition affected others and my eventual life’s path? It is almost impossible to say. This is where faith comes in. I can assure you that I am being hypocritical here, we all do this from time to time. Being aware of it seems to help. I know this means forgiveness. I am asking you to not do what I did. Why would I do this? Because our transition empowers the dream! We are saying our bodies are real and must be changed to be “right”. I see how insane this is now, but since the issue kept coming up over and over I thought I must do something. I was wrong. I was doing it right in the first place!!! As is usually the case. Crossdress if you must, express yourself if you feel the need, masturbate, but don’t make permanent changes. The body is not real I hear you say and you are right, however this is about energy, thought energy and its expression. What I am saying is to let the energy flow where it may, but not to make it real. Be in the world, but not of it. Transition is being “Of It”!! I wrestled with this conundrum for years and still do. The eclipse has brought me clarity. Almost all the Spiritual teachings say the same. Honor the temple and do not defile it. To me this means no tattoos, no cosmetic surgery, and no unnecessary medical surgery. Oh, but science is saying GRS, etc. is medically necessary. I say no it is not. This is an ego trick or our reasoning mind justifying its desires. How far do we go with this? The line is fuzzy, so we must use our own judgment. Not much else I can say here, except to get in touch with your Spirit and follow the guidance it provides. I can wish I never took CHT or had an orchiectomy, but honestly the orchi has been a good thing for me. I was struggling with sexual hormones of any type and no longer have that battle. The hormones tend to be an amplifier so as a male born individual estrogen has heightened my senses and the opposite is true going the other way. I cannot say I feel any different though after a decade, at first yes, but it fades. Identity continues to be a challenge for me. Spiritual teaching dictates that one must be polarized to move forward. This means being either male or female, so since I was born with a masculine body I must embrace this while still respecting my feminine nature. Perhaps this is what being Transgender really is all about without all the physical manipulation. Embrace your gifts! How you do this is up to you. I trust we are doing the best we can!

Love and Light,

Sequoia Elisabeth    &


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My Life in Re-View

My life in Re-view, so if I had this to do over again there are a few things I would do differently and here they are.

Starting with the largest change in my life, gender transition. I love that I can be who I am now (male woman), but I would not, repeat NOT take CHT. This means no estrogen and no testosterone either. I would have the Orchiectomy done much earlier, I waited too long hoping to have genital reassignment surgery (GRS). I am totally fine without that. I know I am not my gender, so why go to all the trouble to change things. Post op my life is no less empty than it was before. I see now as I stand on the other shore things where fine to start with. Did I have gender dysphoria before, Yes. Do I have it now, Yes, but it is more like body dysphoria. It is uncomfortable to be restricted to a body of either gender. My life is like a fading memory. I don’t even know what “my life” means any more. It seems like life is a collection of habits neither good and nor bad. Just motions we go through because we have accepted a certain role. This to me is what this life is all about. Role Play! None of it is “real”.

This may seem sad to you, but to me it just is and perhaps a wee bit too comfortable. My life now is good, as good as it can be. I have some fabulous memories of good times over the years, especially with my second partner. I screwed up leaving her! Alas, there is no going back now, nor do I want to. I know I am where I need to be. Would things be different if I had not transitioned and stayed with her, yes, but better? Who knows? I had this nagging voice telling me to move on and that to give in to comfort and what I felt as love would only prolong the journey. I was safe. My life now is pushing my limits in small ways and this feels “right”.

Other things I would do differently? Not much. Perhaps I would of pursued Greenhouse management more vigorously and taken some risks to assure that life. Again, I had a comfortable life as a MRI technologist and without motivation to change careers. I do not regret going with my first wife when she started medical school (we considered divorce at that time). I feel my relationship with her is a big success. I was there to help her achieve her goals and I did that. No regrets there. Now that my life as a MRI tech is over, I do feel a bit lost. Growing plants has always been rewarding and I enjoy this as much as anything I have done, so I continue to do this in my own small way. My room is full of terrariums, aquariums, and a paludarium.

Female ForestI see my life easily centered around a greenhouse, growing exotic plants, and keeping fish, etc. This is my dream home! A pond, tropical plants, growing space for exotics and all the life which goes with it, fish, reptiles, amphibians, and beneficial insects. Sounds primal doesn’t it? Perhaps it is and perhaps this represents my connection to Mother Earth. She expresses through me. In the end perhaps I am just too connected to nature to be a human being. From the mystical POV, I would be an “ent”. (look it up if you don’t know what this is). I chose the name “Sequoia” for this very reason. This tree is the largest living thing on earth and is a plant. So inspiring and God knows… I need my inspiration.

Sequoia Elisabeth 🙂

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It’s Not About Surgery

Anyone in the Transgender community knows what the treatment for Gender Dysphoria is.  As stated by WPATH, Treatment for gender dysphoria varies with severity of symptoms, but may include counseling, crossdressing, contra-hormone therapy, and surgery.  Here is an article which explains the nuances quite well.  It is so very important to emphasize the counseling rather than the surgery in my opinion for several reasons.  This obviously will be different for each person, so take this with a grain of salt.

The Transgender journey to me is all about acceptance, both of who you are and what you have to work with.  So if someone goes out and modifies their appearance and/or function (SRS/GRS) does this really change who they are?  This may or may not help to alleviate the perceptions of the individual and those who meet this transgender individual.  From my experience, invasive treatment is really beside the point and offers nothing more than something to compare with.  Meaning, you have a different presentation and perhaps this feels good at first, but after a while you realize it just doesn’t matter.  The roles you play are different, but you are still that same person at the core (with the same mental/emotional issues).  Let’s face it, we are all playing roles in society and these roles seem to define us, but do they really? Does the fact that you are working as a mechanic or a mother or a manager really make you who you are?  Or is it the other way around?  You define the roles!  At least this is the way it should be in my opinion.  So by defining a role you decide if women are good mechanics or if hair dressers are bitchy.  You; not your gender defines the role.

So the transition journey is really about coming to an acceptance of who you are or to say it more simply, liking yourself!   We all go through this process and transgender people have just chosen to do it by way of gender.  Substance abuse is another way to “find yourself” and come to an acceptance.  There are many challenges we each unconsciously choose as our own method of spiritual growth!  You are probably engaged in this process right now in your own way.  The good news is no matter which path you choose the Universe conspires to make it the most productive learning lesson it can be.

We each define our own parameters for what is acceptable to a certain extent; however we are each a part of the whole and society is one aspect of that whole.  So why do we allow society to dictate these parameters?  Because we are part of the whole!  So then it becomes a matter of conformity.  I find it interesting that most people consider themselves non-conformists, but they are still a part of society and in their own way conforming to the greater whole (myself included).  It is my understanding that we each make up one part of this whole and that we are each different.

So why not just be this different person and stop trying to conform to a perceived reality?  This is in fact my vow, to be myself and be happy with who I am.  Yes, I was born male and yes I feel most comfortable in women’s clothing, so what?  I am attracted to loving people, not to body parts.  I wish to be loved just like everyone else!  And I wish to be that loving person within my own comfort zone, which with some effort is constantly expanding.

The point here is that surgery and hormones are a tool for an effect, but they do not change who you truly are!  If others have difficulty with your appearance or behavior that is actually their issue not yours.  Continue being your authentic self and loving it!  Why? Because the other choices are just not any fun, at least not in the long run.

Sequoia Elisabeth 🙂

Unity in Gender Diversity


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Why Transition?

Recently I was asked why anyone would want to take hormones and have surgery to change their sex.  They were curious about the personal benefits involved.  We often hear the costs involved, such as $$$, social status, and sexual dysfunction, however what a cysgender person cannot know is the pain, dysfunction, and inner turmoil that exists for a transgender person.  The very question demonstrates a lack of understanding.  So let’s set the record straight by explaining a few things.

First of all, incongruency exists for a transgender person, because they live in the opposite body of which both their brain and identity have aligned.  They are operating without the proper chemistry and attempting to work with the wrong tools.  You can use pliers to hammer nails but it just does not work very well.

Hormones assist in the regulation of brain function.  What determines Gender Identity is the effect of hormones on the fetus in the earliest stages of development.  “Scientific evidence has been growing that somehow certain brain-structures in the hypothalamus (the BSTc region) determine each person’s core gender feelings and innate gender identity. These structures are “hard-wired” pre-natally in the lower brain centers and central nervous system (CNS) during the early stages of pregnancy”.  (Dennis, Carina 2004)

Further, “Six years ago, the Netherlands Institute of Brain Research published the results of a study they had been conducting…. A subsequent report was published last year in the leading international journal for neurological studies, The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism [85 (5): 2034-41; May, 2000]….  What the researchers found were significant differences in the brains of men and women relevant to reproductive hormones, cognition, emotions, and our body’s responses to them. The differences were both in magnitude and consistency and involve a region of the hypothalamus identified as the BSTc. Human males average about twice as many neurons within the BSTc as do females. In both males and females, transsexuals did not have the neuron number typical of their gender, but, instead, had the number typical of the sex they always believed they should be.” (Niedermayer, Grace 2004)

The relief a transgender person feels from the proper hormones is usually a euphoric experience.  The beautiful thing about contra-hormone therapy (CHT) is the effects are reversible completely for about the first six months and even after years of therapy if the person decides to revert, although sterility is likely.  In only a few weeks it is clear if CHT is the right choice.

Testosterone in a body wired for estrogen or vice versa will create dysphoria, agitation, and irritability.  So if euphoria and a general peaceful feeling are not experienced then CHT is not the answer and other treatment is indicated.  Yes, CHT is a treatment for a medical condition, gender incongruency (formally known as Gender Dsyphoria).

As in any medical condition it is best to have specific medical guidance by someone with experience in gender therapy!  It is possible to treat yourself, just as anyone with any medical condition can do, however the results very drastically.  Hormones are not a recreational drug!  I find this almost comical that someone would think so, and yet invariably people do.  If you would like to know more about hormones, their effects, what to expect, other gender and sexual info please read my eBook, Sex and Sexuality, One Woman’s Journey of Discovery.

😀 Sequoia Elisabeth

Unity in Gender Diversity             Free eBooks


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Trans-Gender Expectations

The usual course of transition for a Male to Female (MtoF) Transgender is to first dress as a woman and to socialize with peers prior to taking the major step of CHT (Contra-Hormone Therapy).  (HRT is hormone replacement therapy and since transition is about change and not replacement this term does not apply to the trans journey). Socializing as a woman is very different than as a man so getting used to that aspect is greatly beneficial in both determining if you desire to progress (going full time) and gaining the skills necessary to be successful.  Many things will come naturally because they are innate such as mannerisms, emotional behavior including needs and desires, and mental processes.  The learned traits may not be natural such as movement, social expectations and relationships.  Gender transition is basically the process of breaking down learned “male” persona and allowing the natural female self to emerge.  This will be easy for some; however, it is a big road block for most.  Only 5% of those who attempt transition fully complete the journey from male to female; the larger percentage end up somewhere in between, which for many is perfectly acceptable and may in fact have been the goal all along.

It is important to be patient with the transition process and allow these things to occur naturally through counseling, feminine coaching, and voice therapy.  A skilled gender therapist/counselor guides the path and provides a third person perspective to facilitate getting in touch with the authentic self.  The feminine coach is valuable in helping to get in touch with feminine energy and develop its expression.  I must say the first time I felt my feminine energy vs. my masculine energy it was a revelation!  Being aware of the body’s energy and what it projects is very important.  To truly express feminine energy do not project energy instead simply center in the divine feminine and this energy will attract others.  I have posted a link on the transgender links page of Unity in Gender Diversity to The Yin Project.  The feminine coaching here is highly recommended.

Voice therapy is vital to MtoF transition.  Start this process as soon as possible, even before transitioning if you are planning that far ahead.  I also recommend getting electrolysis started as soon as possible and depending on your age, I recommend doing laser first to clear the dark hairs and let the electrologist focus on the light hairs.  It will take 6-10 laser treatments.  Don’t let the electrologist tell you that laser is not permanent because I know that it is from experience.   There is a page on this website that goes over the whole process of transition planning.  Expect laser to work and with the proper hormone regimen the face is the only area that needs treatment unless you are unusually hairy and I know that some men are.  Not to worry, this is a part of the journey, so plan for it.

The hormones do a remarkable job of reducing body hair and stopping male pattern hair loss.  Find a doctor who specializes in CHT for transgender/transsexual persons, because doing this yourself or using a doctor with little or no experience is inviting failure.  Getting periodic lab testing done to monitor liver function and other factors is vital to maintain a healthy transition.  Plus working with a skilled professional assures the desired results.  It can be done on your own, but that is contrary to what this whole journey is about in my opinion, which is to fully and completely experience the transition.  This journey can be lethal so take it very seriously!

Many transgender/transsexual persons want to jump straight to the result and if that was meant to be then don’t you think you would have been female from birth?  I can hear all the opinions flying as I write this which is great, remember this is from my experience and if you desire a different experience then make it so.

Surgery is a step that many desire and is the only known successful method of treating severe gender dysphoria.  It is not for everyone though and will be addressed in the next blog.  So stay tuned 😉

😉 Sequoia Elisabeth

Unity in Gender Diversity

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Hormone Power

The individuals who are on a gender transition journey are well aware of the power hormones wield in life; however the average person may not realize just how powerful these little communicators are.  I devote an entire chapter to hormones in my new eBook, Sex and Sexuality, which is coming out next month. 

A hormone is essentially a chemical messenger that transports a signal from one cell to another, pretty simple right?  Well, there is power in simplicity.  Physically each person has certain body parts that trigger the hormone release in the first place.  In the case of Hormone Replacement Therapy (used mostly for post-menopausal women or post op women), or Contra Hormone Therapy (used for the treatment of Gender Dysphoria or Gender Incongruency) the hormone is introduced manually. 

In the book I get into the specific effects of each sexual hormone as they are used for CHT, without going into much about HRT.  The amazing thing to me is the end result of a little chemical that orchestrates the rearrangement of your entire body, short of growing new sexual organs.

Here is a quote from the eBook, Sex and Sexuality, “The sex hormones are powerful tools for communication amongst cells, just as sexual acts are powerful communication between animals.  It seems that all of life is about some form of communication or relational experience.  Almost all of human behavior can be related to communication in some form.  We have just discovered another form here in hormones which are the chemical start to potential sexual fireworks.    

The other lesson learned here is that male and female really are fairly superficial aspects of our being and that every human has both, otherwise there would be no way for a male to take female hormones and take on the characteristics of female (or vice versa).  It really is as simple as flipping a switch in the physical makeup of the body to shift from one sex to the other on a physical level.  Of course there is a complex process that occurs and many would not consider this simple, but the point is it occurs when the messenger (hormone) tells the cell which form to take, just like flipping the light switch on the wall.  What does not shift is the gender identity or sexual orientation which is hard wired into the brain.”

A note to my transgender friends, as you know, hormones are powerful tools, but do not change the mind or your Spiritual essence, if anything they do help to accentuate them though as in the process our body, mind and Spirit are aligned.  While they help many people, they are not for everyone, so make sure you are clear on your gender identity before you make this big step.  Going back is possible at this level, but not without permanent changes depending on how far down the road you get.  I for one must say hormones are the best thing I have done for myself since becoming aware of my transgender status.  Now to have the surgery so I can stop taking them!

😉 Sequoia Elisabeth

Unity in Gender Diversity

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MtoF Transtion and what to expect

The usual course of transition for a MtoF transsexual is to first dress as a woman and to socialize with your peers prior to taking the major step of CHT or Contra-Hormone Therapy.  This does not need to be on a full time basis, although it can be.  Socializing as a woman is very different than as a man so getting used to that aspect is greatly beneficial in both determining if you desire to progress and gaining the skills necessary to be successful.  Many things will come naturally for you such as mannerisms, emotional behavior including your needs and desires, and mental processes.  What may not be so natural is movement, social expectations and relationships.  Transition is basically the process of breaking down our learned “male” persona and allowing our natural female self to emerge.  This will be easier for some, but is a big road block for many of us. 

It is important to be patient with the transition process and allow these things to occur naturally, although counseling, feminine coaching, and voice therapy do play an important part.  A skilled counselor can guide your path and point out aspects that are not natural if they are not obvious and help you get in touch with your authentic self.  The feminine coach is valuable in helping you to get in touch with feminine energy and develop its expression.  I must say the first time I felt my feminine energy vs. my masculine energy it was a revelation!  Being aware of our body’s energy and what we are projecting is very important.  For women to truly be feminine for instance we do not project that energy, we simple center ourselves in it and this simple act will attract others to us.  I have posted a link on the gender links page of my website to The Yin Project; I highly recommend her. 

Voice therapy is very important also and I suggest that you start this process as soon as possible, even before transitioning if you are planning that far ahead, which most of us do not.  I also recommend getting electrolysis started as soon as possible and depending on your age, I recommend doing laser first to clear the dark hairs and let the electrologist focus on the light hairs.  Don’t let the electrologist tell you that laser is not permanent because I know that it is from experience.   I have a page on this website that goes over the whole process of transition planning, so I would like to stay focused here on what to expect.  So expect laser to work and with the proper hormone regimen the face is the only area to be concerned with unless you are unusually hairy and I know that some men are, that is OK (it doesn’t mean anything, unless you say it does, lol). 

The hormones do a remarkable job of reducing body hair and stopping male pattern hair loss.  Find a doctor who specializes in CHT for transgender/transsexual persons, because doing this yourself or using a doctor with little or no experience is setting yourself up for failure.  It can be done on your own, but that is contrary to what this whole journey is about in my opinion, which is to fully and completely experience the transition.  Many TG/TS’s want to jump straight to the result and if that was the way it was meant to be then don’t you think that you would have been female from birth?  I can hear all the opinions flying as I write this which is great, remember this is from my experience and if you desire a different experience then make it so.  More on this subject can be found here.   😉 Sequoia Elisabeth

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