Oneness Ministry

We are One

Peace Poles

Peace begins within the heart.  It is a place we all love to be and it is something anyone can share with anyone else.  When you get very quiet and still, listen closely to the feeling within your heart.  You may have to focus on the heart while ignoring the clutter from the head and it may take a few moments or multiple practices to get there.  Once you connect with Peace you will know it because the feeling is profound and moving (not literally).  This connection can never be broken because this is who you are. Other names for this Peace are: Love, Joy, and God.  This is the essence you come from and extend into this world.  Share it with all you meet!  The wonderful thing about this Peace is the more you share… the more you have!!  It is the only thing in this world which is multiplied by giving it away.

A great way to share this Peace is by placing Peace Poles in public locations.  You can remind yourself to focus on Peace by placing them in your own space too.  The Peace Pole Project is a great place to get help with these poles.  They offer plaques which can be used to make your own pole or you can buy one pre-made.

Four sided white pole, 4 languages

Four sided white pole, 4 languages

Alternative concrete pole, 4 languages

Alternative concrete pole, 4 languages

Any location will do as long as it is public and you have permission,
or if it is private you own the property or have permission from the owner in writing.  Larger projects include making a Peace Garden with “May Peace Prevail On Earth” in as many languages as possible.  Maybe your community is interested in creating something like this?  The benefits come through your thoughts about the poles and more importantly your focus on Peace.  If someone thinks a pole is just inanimate and worthless then they are correct, this is the power of thought, you are always correct, since the Universe does not think, it just provides, thinking is your job, the pole is your reminder… May Peace Prevail On Earth!

Visit The Peace Pole Project